Diindolylmethane (DIM) Information Resource
Initiative of Faculty Members and Research Fellows at the
University of California at Berkeley

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Diindolylmethane (DIM) Clinical Applications and Research
DIM is currently used to treat Recurring Respiratory Papillomatosis caused by
the Human Papilloma Virus and is in Phase II clinical trials for Prostate Cancer. Until recently, DIM's
biological mode of action against RRP was not clearly understood. When scientists
at UC Berkeley discovered that DIM is a potent modulator of the innate immune
response system, this discovery finally shed light on DIM's global anti-viral
As a result of this discovery, DIM is currently sold as an immune enhancing
dietary supplement (www.BerkeleyFormula.com) and it is
investigation as a naturally occurring therapeutic candidate
for a variety of viral and bacterial
infections (including HPV, Hepatitis, Influenza, the Pandemic Flu and
antibiotic resistant bacteria), immune deficiency conditions, dermatological
conditions such as acne caused by infections, and multiple forms
of cancer (breast, prostate, lung, colon, skin, cervical). DIM's primary immune modulatory
mode of action is the stimulation of Interferon-Gamma receptor transcription as
well as the production of Interferon-Gamma. DIM has also been shown to synergize
with Interferon-Gamma in the potentiation of the MHC-I Complex.
Its multitude of favorable biological activities such as immune modulation,
apoptosis promotion and suppression of inflammation (NFkB)
are among the reasons why the National Cancer Institute has begun clinical
studies of DIM for multiple forms of cancer.
Another significant discovery that has recently been made about
DIM that has
fueled international interest in this unique phytochemical is its
synergy with the number one cancer drug
worldwide (Taxol) in the promotion of apoptosis. This discovery has paved the
way for the investigation of
DIM as an adjuvant therapeutic to Taxol to reduce
patient resistance to this important drug. (Taxol is another plant-derived
phytochemical that
was discovered in and extracted from the Pacific Yew Tree.)
UC Berkeley faculty members Dr. Leonard Bjeldanes, Professor and former Chairman
of the Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology Department, and Dr. Gary Firestone,
Director of the National Institutes of Health Cancer Biology Program and
Professor of the Molecular and
Cell Biology Department, have focused on DIM research at Berkeley for over two
decades and have elucidated many of its principal molecular mechanisms of
In addition to elucidating DIM's molecular mechanisms of action, Dr. Bjeldanes
and Dr. Firestone conducted a human clinical trial of
DIM and demonstrated that it
increases the 2-hydroxylation of estrogen metabolites, a study that received
a lot of media attention as oncologists believe that this activity helps to
reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer. Abstracts of two papers on this
subject are provided below.
Pilot study: effect of 3,3'-diindolylmethane
supplements on urinary hormone metabolites in postmenopausal women with a
history of early-stage breast cancer. Journal of Nutrition and Cancer.
2004;50(2):161-7. Dalessandri KM, Firestone GL, Fitch MD,
Bradlow HL, Bjeldanes LF Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,
University of California, Berkeley, 94720-3200, USA.
Dietary indoles, present in Brassica plants such
as cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, have been shown to provide potential
protection against hormone-dependent cancers. 3,3'-Diindolylmethane (DIM) is
under study as one of the main protective indole metabolites. Postmenopausal
women aged 50-70 yr from Marin County, California, with a history of early-stage
breast cancer, were screened for interest and eligibility in this pilot study on
the effect of DIM supplements on urinary hormone metabolites. The treatment
group received daily DIM (108 mg DIM/day) supplements for 30 days, and the
control group received a placebo capsule daily for 30 days. Urinary metabolite
analysis included 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OHE1), 16-alpha hydroxyestrone
(16alpha-OHE1), DIM, estrone (El), estradiol(E2), estriol (E3),
6beta-hydroxycortisol (6beta-OHC), and cortisol in the first morning urine
sample before intervention and 31 days after intervention. Nineteen women
completed the study,for a total of 10 in the treatment group and 9 in the
placebo group. DIM-treated subjects, relative to placebo, showed a significant
increase in levels of 2-OHE1 (P=0. 020),
DIM (P =0. 045), and cortisol (P =
0.039), and an increase of 47% in the 2-OHE1/16alpha-OHE1 ratio from 1.46 to
2.14 (P=0.059). In this pilot study, DIM increased the 2-hydroxylation of
estrogen urinary metabolites.
Estrogen metabolism and risk of breast cancer:
a prospective study of the 2:16alpha-hydroxyestrone ratio in premenopausal and
postmenopausal women. Epidemiology. 2000 Nov;11(6):635-40. Muti P, Bradlow
HL, Micheli A, Krogh V, Freudenheim JL, Schunemann HJ, Stanulla M, Yang J,
Sepkovic DW, Trevisan M, Berrino F. Department of Social and Preventive
Medicine, University at Buffalo, State University of New York at
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, Epidemiology Division of the National Cancer Intitute
(Istituto Nazionale Tumori), Milan, Italy, Department of Pediatric Hematology
and Oncology, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, Germany.
Experimental and clinical evidence suggests that 16alpha-hydroxylated estrogen
metabolites, biologically strong estrogens, are associated with breast cancer
risk, while 2-hydroxylated metabolites, with lower estrogenic activity, are
weakly related to this disease. This study analyzes the association of breast
cancer risk with estrogen metabolism, expressed as the ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone
to 16alpha-hydroxyestrone, in a prospective nested case-control study. Between
1987 and 1992, 10,786 women (ages 35-69 years) were recruited to a prospective
study on breast cancer in Italy, the "Hormones and Diet in the Etiology of
Breast Cancer" (ORDET) study. Women with a history of cancer and women on
hormone therapy were excluded at baseline. At recruitment, overnight urine was
collected from all participants and stored at -80 degrees C. After an average of
5.5 years of follow-up, 144 breast cancer cases and four matched controls for
each case were identified among the participants of the cohort. Among
premenopausal women, a higher ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to
16alpha-hydroxyestrone at baseline was associated with a reduced risk of breast
cancer: women in the highest quintile of the ratio had an adjusted odds ratio
(OR) for breast cancer of 0.58 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.25-1.34]. The
corresponding adjusted OR in postmenopausal women was 1.29 (95% CI = 0.53-3.10).
Results of this prospective study support the hypothesis that the estrogen
metabolism pathway favoring 2-hydroxylation over 16-alpha-hydroxylation is
associated with a reduced risk of invasive breast cancer risk in premenopausal

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